tuna rice salad

recipe for 2 people

623 kcal/ 1 person



30 minutes



210 g rice,


¼ onion,

1 cucumber,

14 black olives,

1 tsp capers,

50 g tuna,

1 tbsp parsley,


1 tsp mayonnaise,

2½ tbsp balsamic vinegar,

½ tsp honey,

½ tsp mustard,

1 tbsp olive oil,

⅓ tsp thymian,

2 pinches of oregano,


how you make it:

cook the rice (→rice cooking) and refresh it with cold water


cut up onions cubic


cut cucumber in half moon shapes (5 mm)


cut olives in rings and capers in small pieces


add the hackled canned tuna


add it all to a bowl and stir


prepare the dressing with all its ingrediants (except of mayonnaise), whisk it, add it to the bowl and stir


add now mayonnaise and stir

add rice and stir


cut up fresh parsley, add it and stir




enjoy your meal!